
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Rain = Lame

So, besides the almost constant rain, nothing too exciting has happened in the past few days, hence the non-daily posting.

Today Gabe was hell-bent on screwing with us... First he told some kids that something that wasn't even buy one get one free was actually buy one get TWO free... Then he tried to sell some of Craigs fuse to another guy, which we don't do unless Craig is there... Later he said out loud that these two guys "deserved" a buy one get two free card because they bought so much stuff. (Their total was about $40.) By the end of the day I had told him to leave the behind the counter stuff to me, he can focus on just being a salesman. :P

When I say almost constant rain, I mean for the last 4 days I think I've seen a total of three hours of sunshine combined. It's not great for business or my mood. (Or for getting good/exciting/funny/strange customers or stories.) So I apologize for the lameness of this years postings, hopefully as the big day approaches things will get a bit more entertaining. :)

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