
Tuesday, July 5, 2011


So, most of our fireworks come from China... a bunch of them got held up because of some reason or another this year so we didn't have some of the stuff we wanted to have... okay not my point. Anyways... so we were cleaning up and packing today. Putting things in boxes, moving them to the warehouse.. well the guys were collapsing all the tables, everyone was gathered in one area... when this GIGANTIC spider crawled out. I mean the head was the size of a quarter, body even bigger plus the legs! EVERYONE (yes I mean everyone) screamed! Shanay, Tay and I were sitting on a palate, I wasn't paying attention but screamed when everyone else did. Tay jumped up, Shanay did to, grabbing me in the process and dragging me away. Once I realized what was going on I freaked out even more... I moved in cause I wanted to see how big it was... I didn't get the chance cause Missy ran over and smushed it. She dragged her foot over it and the guts smeared for over 2 feet.. leaving bug legs and parts scattered all over. OMG it was HUGE. Afterward someone made the comment "How did the spider get through customs in China but our fireworks didn't?!?!"... We all had a good laugh about that one.

Monday, July 4, 2011


So, it's the 4th! The BIG day! Well.... it was a pretty slow day. But, everything seemed to be going wrong. At one point around lunchtime Shanay's credit card machine went down meaning mine was the only one that worked! So I had a line backed up all the way down the isle. I don't know how, but somehow I cleared it. Not without help from Brian and Marlene handing out clipboards so the paperwork was already filled out when they got to me. But still, it was crazy. I had to take a break afterward!

Then, so all of the workers could enjoy the show Craig was putting on at 10:30 we closed the tent for about 15 minutes. During that time a guy pulled up and wanted to buy The Godfather, aka a $699.95 pack that included a TON of fireworks. So of course Craig let him get it... but while he was on his way in to pick it up a lady (who was slightly intoxicated) who as watching the show stopped him, saying his car was in her way and she couldn't see the fireworks! She was so angry and adamant about him moving his car that he almost just left without buying the package! Finally she calmed down and we made our sale then went back to the amazing display of the product. :D

Sunday, July 3, 2011

It's a small world after all

This guy came up to my line and he had a business credit card that he was paying with and it said his name and "Photography" at the end, and since we weren't insanely busy at that point, I decided to ask him what sort of photography, he said, "Boating, fishing, water sports type stuff". I said, "My uncle used to do graphics design and editing for a that type of magazine!" He asked if my uncle lived here and I said, no but he used to. He asked me his name and I told him he doesn't live here anymore. But, he said for me to tell him his name anyways so I did. Turns out, they know each other!! He had worked with my uncle a few times and even moved a few houses down to where they used to live before they moved to NC. I even texted my uncle and asked him if he knew the guy and sure enough, he did! It was cool. :)

Saturday, July 2, 2011

The Zoo

So, today was insanely busy!! I'm so glad Craig called in extra cashiers so we could have all 4 registers going at once. But the highlight of my day happened 3 times.

1. A lady and her brother(?) came in and she was holding this tiny tiny dog and couldn't fill out the paperwork out while holding him, and I was oohing and ahhing over him so much that she let me hold him while she did that! I made Tay ring her up so I could play with the puppy.

2. This guy came up to my register and he had this little creature crawling on him! I stopped what I was doing and just stared at it. He said it was called a sugar glider! It was the cutest thing I've ever seen in my entire life! I was just afraid it would jump/glide off of the guy and run away!!

3. Close to the end of the night a couple came in with their dog and little girl. This dog was the color of red clay and looked like a greyhound with a little bit of weight on him. It was so pretty!! And it was cute, the whole family were in their pajamas like they'd decided on a whim to go get fireworks.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Return Visit

Today we had a guy come in and go straight up to Andy and say "Make me a deal on this, or I'm leaving." He was wanting the 8,000 firecracker thing that looks like a giant stick of dynamite. It cost $49.95 and he wanted it plus two packs of bottle rockets at $14.95 for $50.00. Of course Andy couldn't do that. So he said, "I'm sorry, sir, but I can't do that." So the guy and his teenage son left.

Not even 30 minutes later the guy came in again grabbed the items he had picked out earlier and literally threw them on the counter for me to ring them up. I had to stifle a smirk as he quickly paid for them and walked out without really speaking at all.