
Saturday, December 31, 2011

"Sometimes taking a piss can blow up in your face"

We were CRAZY busy today. It was pretty much non-stop so my stories about our customers today is a bit limited. What I do have is one of the funniest moments I think I've ever had at the tent.

So this is technically a story that happened after midnight but whatever... We finished our fireworks show and one of the guys (who just so happened to be Drunky The Bear on Real Radio 104.1) needed to use the bathroom. So he went to the Port-A-Potty. Well Craig decided to run in and get one of our loudest items. He decided he was going to light it and throw it near the guy and scare him... well his plan backfired... it landed UNDER the Port-A-Potty. The poor guy came out and a ton of smoke followed him. He came out holding his pants up around his waist and holding his ears. He said he couldn't hear well for about 10 minutes.

In case you were wondering... here's a link to the video (yes, of course we recorded it!!)

Friday, December 30, 2011

The Apocalypse is Upon Us!

So this lady in her early 30's came in and got a few small things and then made her way up to the counter. She set her stuff down then said, "Man this stuff is so expensive! It's like I should just take a match to my money instead... You know, this might sound a little morbid, but I probably was the same way when I was her age... but my thirteen year old wanted to have a Pre Apocalyptic Party. She said if the world is going to end she wanted to go out with a bang! I mean I don't blame her..."... This lady said this with the straightest face I'd ever seen but both Shanay and I looked at her like she HAD to be joking!! We laughed for about fifteen minutes after she left.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Strangest Question?

So this lady came in pretty late today and said, "Okay I've got what's probably going to be the strangest questions you've had all day..." So I say "Okay, let's hear it." While I'm thinking, I seriously doubt you can to some of these crazies... but I listen anyways. "Do you have some boxes you don't want anymore." ... Oh yeah, seriously the weirdest question we've had all day. I mean it totally tops "Do you guys have those things you had last year? The things that do that stuff. Up in the air. With the colors and the boom?".... Yep. Sure. We've totally got that. In about 50 varieties! ... Some people really should get their IQ tested... :)

... On another note, I'd just like to share with everyone that I'm a big freakin' chicken. All I'm missing is the feathers. That is all.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Playing Dressup?

Today seemed to be character day...

First we had Mario & Luigi, then Dumb & Dumber, then Larry Moe & Curly!

I swear... these people were the best entertainment ever.

Mario & Luigi came in and it was hysterical! They were picking on each other, almost doing slapstick comedy stuff!! But they looked the part! lol

Dumb & Dumber were the pair asking every question under the sun, even stuff not even related to fireworks or New Years!!

Larry Moe and Curly came in later on at night... three kids around 18, didn't know the difference between left and right... along with that they couldn't follow which way I was pointing since they couldn't understand the directions... I mean come on. The store is only so big... there are only 4 isles... Lol!

Overall a funny day! Oh and some guy about 25 or said "Thank you mommy!" to me... it was very awkward. lol

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Alarms and whistles...

Well it seems as though I've missed my 'hot cop' the first time he stopped by this season. He came by about 9:30pm last night to stop in and check with the guy staying the night at the tent... And Mike had the guts to tell him I had been looking forward to him coming by.... lol

Well today nothing too exciting happened except I realized how badly I despise being whistled at to get my attention. I. Am. Not. A. Dog. Ugh! Also, another annoying sound today... At around 6:30 tonight the alarm at the Color Wheel store went off for about 7 minutes straight. Now, that may not sound like a long time, but after a long day being out there at work, 7 minutes felt like forever for the alarm to be blaring. The stupidity in it was it must not have been set to alert the police because no cops showed up to investigate or anything!!

Anyways, it was not a very quiet night, that's for sure. :P

Monday, December 26, 2011


Today seemed to be like Cop City at the tent! lol

Last night Michael stayed over at the tent to keep watch, and one of our friendly cops stopped in to make sure he had a phone in case something happened. Later in the day he swung by again when Craig was taking Mike home. I had a few customers up at the counter, three 18 year old kids, when I realized he was in the parking lot I smiled and waved, he smiled, waved back then left. Guess he was making sure I was alright. Then, later when Craig got back one of our other friendly cops stopped by with his new partner and they were looking around for a good 30-45 minutes. And then right as I was leaving a guy who works at the sheriffs department came in. He also informed us that one of their own was killed today in a motorcycle accident. :(

But, it seemed like cops were all over the place at PyroSpot! :)

P.s. It was actually cold enough for me to wear a long sleeved shirt!! First of the season! lol

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Tricky kids...

On the second day of fireworks, Pyrospot gave to me...
An adorable kid and his tricky schemes.

So this kid who couldn't be more than 12 came into the store by himself and brought up one 3 for $1 item and asked how much it was for just the one. I said about $.33 he said he only had a quarter, I said I could do that for him, if he had an adult with him. He said okay, he was going to keep looking. He picked out an item that was $1.95 plus tax buy one get one free and asked me how much more he needed with his quarter. I told him and he said he would be right back with his Aunt. So they come walking in a few minutes later and he brings her up to the counter to fill out the paperwork, I ring it up and he hands me his quarter, and I said he still needed $1.84, he looks at his Aunt and she said, "It's my birthday and you expect me to pay for YOUR stuff?" He replied, "Well it's your birthday, you're supposed to be generous on your birthday!" He was so adorable, she couldn't help but smile at him and hand me a $10. It was the cutest thing. She then said, "Next time if you're wanting me to pay for something, let me know first, crazy kid!" She then ruffled his hair and they left. It was adorable. :)

New Years Photos

Day 2 of Set up 12/19/11

End of day 1 of set up 12/19/11

Day 3 of set up 12/20/11

And we're open!! 12/21/11

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

First day of fireworks...

On the first day of fireworks Pyrospot gave to me....
A day full of idiots and few almost wrecks!

For our first day of being open, I wasn't expecting it to be really busy, but our laughter was pretty full after the day ended. Now, some of the idiots weren't even our customers... while yes, some of them were... one of the biggest was someone who worked at the little accessories store across the parking lot from us. They had a A-shaped sign and the wind was blowing like crazy, well every 5 minutes or so the wind would knock it down, then we'd see this person come out of the store and set it right back up... if only they had turned it so the wind would go THROUGH it instead of AGAINST it... The second idiot came around 6pm... he came in with 2 young guys and a young girl. The kids were fine, looked around... the guy walked in with a lit cigarette, headed for the isles and I said "Sir, you can't come in here with that!" He said "I know, I'm just looking real quick." I repeated, "No, you can't come inside with your cigarette lit." He replied, "Damn can't a guy just ask a question?" I said, "Either you can ask your question outside, or you can set that down or put it out and come in and ask. Either way, you're not bringing that in here." He decided to stay outside and ask... :P People are so dumb, really really dumb, for real. ;)

Monday, December 19, 2011

Trees and Flan

Guess it's time to start this up again...
Today was the first day back at the tent for me for the season.

Only a few funny things happened.

1. Everyone seemed to want Christmas trees. They'd come in "You sellin' trees?" "No, fireworks." "Oh, well I want a tree.".... Uh...sorry? Then one guy came in "What are you selling?" "Fireworks" "Well I think that's the biggest waste of money, I don't see the point. It's such a waste of money in my opinion." ... No one asked your opinion, thanks.

2. A guy came by selling Flan... 1 tin of flan for $5. They had 3 kinds, cheese, regular and cocoa... he talked for about 5 minutes and that's ALL I understood from the entire thing. Who sells flan anyways?!