
Monday, June 27, 2011


So today was the first day Steven worked this time, which brought up old stories:

This past New Years season he and I were working, and it was FREEZING! So we were huddled behind a fort made of cardboard boxes while we sat under the gas heater in the corner of the tent. This lady walks in. She is probably 5'7"-5'9" and close to 300 lbs and has probably 5 or 6 teeth total. Well, she looks around and sees a massive sign that stretches from one side of the tent to the other that says "FIREWORKS". She then turns around to leave but sees us in the corner and says, "Do you guys sell puppies?"
Steven and I look at each other, wondering if we heard her right. He's trying his hardest not to laugh, so I say, "No ma'am, just fireworks..."
Her: "So no puppies then?"
Me: "Nope. Sorry."
Her: "Well do you know anyone who is selling puppies?"
Me: "Well there's a place down the road that's called 'Just Puppies' have you looked there?"
Her: "Oh, yeah they're too expensive."
Me: "That's the only place I know of, sorry."
Her: "That's okay. I just used to have this spaniel but my landlady let her out and she ran away and I just wanted to get a new dog."
She then glances around the tent one more time, as if to check and make sure she hadn't missed any puppies then leaves.