
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Temper Check!

It's been raining every day since last Thursday, so I'm seriously lacking in the Vitamin D department... grumpy, tired, and just not feeling well... So when I get a grumpy customer and I'm feeling like this, Iit takes everything in me to not snap at them.

One of my biggest pet peeves of my customers in the tent is when they ASK for free stuff. Usually we throw a little extra in for them to enjoy (about 10% of what they spent), but nothing makes me more put oft than when they say "where's my free stuff?"

Today I had a customer spend about $50 then say "What are you going to give me for free?" I was already irritated by him for how he'd acted toward me while I was ringing him up but luckily Tay was with me so I didn't blow up at him (I wasn't feeling well at all today and left early). Instead I turned around to grab something out of the box behind me. While I was turned around he said, "I want something that goes up in the air!" I wanted to yell a couple of things back at him... "THEN GO BUY SOMETHING THAT GOES UP IN THE AIR!" or "Hey if you light these sparklers then throw them up, they go up in the air!"... But instead I handed him 2 small things that did in fact go up in the air and let him move on... I was proud of myself for keeping my temper.

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